Saturday, March 17, 2012

iPad 3 with 3 different jailbreaks

So far I have info that 3 different jailbreaks exist for iPad 3.

First was MuscleNerd with the root access:
and Cydia installed

Then i0n1c showed video of untethered iPad 3

Shortly after chpwn and phoenixdev showed pictures of a third iPad 3 WIFI jailbreak

So these days are busy days for jailbreakers. iPad 3 was not a big challenge for the jailbreakers which exploited it so fast. 

Advice: If you are an iPad 3 owner do not upgrade your firmware in near future, a jailbreak is coming for you!

Friday, March 16, 2012

WARNING - iOS autodownloads the 5.1 update

Today I received many calls from friends relatives and clients that the iOS 5.1 update started downloading without their interaction. I experienced this myself on my iPad 2 and my iPhone 4, also seen it happen on a friends iPhone 4S.

If your device is jailbroken the update will most likely fail, but the problem is that it takes huge amount of space. There is a solution about it:

Open in text editor of iFile

and change the ProductBuildVersion to 9B176 (9B179 for iPhone 4S) and ProductVersion to 5.1 .

Respring and the space should have been freed (around 800 MB for iPhone 4S and iPads and around 600 MB for iPhone 4 and 3GS)

Side Note:

If you do not close iFile before the respring you risk to damage your SystemVersion.plist - it is not so massive fail but in settings it will show N/A for software version and activator will protest about the version is too old. So it is wise to make a backup copy of that file just in case.

Why is this happen? Well I do not know for sure, but I guess that Apple can forcibly push updates to all iOS 5.x devices.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Pictures of jailbroken iPad2 with iOS 5.1

i0n1c post pictures of hes jailbroken iPad2 with iOS 5.1 on twitter before half an hour.

So we can expect jailbreak as soon as it gets applied to all 5.1 capable devices.

Monday, March 12, 2012

New Design

I changed a little the design of the blog with a nice semitransparent theme with a smooth wooden background. Since the technology is getting ahead i expanded horizontal resolution of the posts a little so now a minimum requirement for viewing the blog is 1024x768 resolution (it was 800x600) in desktop mode. Mobile version resolution requirements are not changed and will display well on all mobile devices.

I hope you like it.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Tethered jailbreak for iOS 5.1 - NON A5 Devices

iPhone Dev Team released updated version of redsn0w (0.9.10b6) yesterday which can be used to perform tethered jailbreak on all A4 based devices, including iPhone 3GS and iPod touch 3G.

The jailbreaking and tethered booting process is the same for all compatible devices (enter dfu, and open redsn0w and press jailbreak button, then press back, extras and boot tethered) excluding old bootrom iPhone 3GS which have untethered jailbreak.

You can obtain latest redsn0w here:
Windows | Mac

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Firmware page update

The firmware portion of my blog is updated with latest Apple links for iOS 5.1.

Added iPad 3 section as well.

iOS 5.1 is out - Whats new?

About iOS 5.1 Software Update
This update contains improvements and bug fixes, including:

■Japanese language support for Siri (availability may be limited during initial rollout)
■Photos can now be deleted from Photo Stream
■Camera shortcut now always visible on Lock Screen for iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS and iPod touch (4th generation)
■Camera face detection now highlights all detected faces
■Redesigned Camera app for iPad
■Genius Mixes and Genius playlists for iTunes Match subscribers
■Audio for TV shows and movies on iPad optimized to sound louder and clearer
■Podcast controls for playback speed and a 30 second rewind for iPad
■Updated AT&T network indicator
■Addresses bugs affecting battery life
■Fixes an issue that occasionally caused audio to drop for outgoing calls

For information on the security content of this update, please visit this website: