Saturday, June 25, 2011

Update on Activation Method for iOS 5 beta 2

Jailbreak and activation works exactly the same as in Beta 1. You have to use Beta 1 firmware file (in redsn0w) in order to jailbreak and boot tethered. You will need updated bundle in order to skip headache.

New in beta 2 is wifi sync with iTunes. In order to do it you will need newer beta version of iTunes 10.5.

You can find both iTunes 10.5 and iOS 5.0 Beta 2 here.

Updated bundle links: Ziddu | Mediafire

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Foolproof iOS 5 Activation method (Windows And Mac)

Many people complained that my method for activating is very complicated so i had to think about something more simpler than it and something popped in my mind about the custom bundle option in redsn0w so i made one which simplifies the whole process.

What you will need:
iTunes 10.5 Beta
iOS5b1 firmware
redsn0w 0.9.8b1 ( Windows | Mac )
iOS5.0b1Bundle: Ziddu | Mediafire
Basic Steps:
1. Install iTunes 10.5
2. Put your device in DFU mode
3. in iTunes press shift+restore(Windows)|option+restore(Mac)
4. After process completes (you will see iPhone written on your lockscreen) power off, put your device in DFU mode/
5. Run redsn0w and browse for the iOS 5 firmware, press next and again next and again next and wait for your iphone to jailbreak(process is finished when the iPhone reboots).
5. After this put your device in DFU mode again run redsn0w and when you reach the point in redsn0w where you can select install cydia or install custom bundle or boot tethered etc. - select install custom bundle and browse for the tar archive with the bundle.
6. Boot tethered with redsn0w and activate normally with itunes. It will activate successfully and you will get service. All left to do is to complete the setup on your iPhone. It will ask you for language, country,operator (by the time it ask for operator i got service so i just pressed next), wifi, iCloud, and iTunes account.

In the bundle there is the modified SystemVersion.plist which replaces the original one and makes itunes think that final firmware is used so it does not require UDID registration. The only problem (not much of a problem) is that jailbreak is still tethered and every time you reboot the phone you need to boot tethered in order to use your jailbroken apps and safari.


For experienced user the guide can look lihe this:

1. Install iOS5b1 and jailbreak it.
2. Install the custom bundle, then activate in iTunes.

Looks a lot simpler aint it ?

Edit: Added Mediafire mirror for the bundle since many people have problem downloading it.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

iOS 5 First impressions

The following review is based on the first beta of iOS 5, so the negative parts of it apply only to this build and not the final product.

I am using it for 24 Hours so here is what i found:

1. Battery drain because of iCloud sync (battery drops twice faster than normal)
2. Memory leaks
a)iMessage when combined with notification center
b)Phone app when you use custom vibration
c)System wide leaking which causes all kinds of applications crashes for no reason (or for low memory reason)
3. Bad memory management - closed apps do not free all the memory they used while they run (which is one of the reasons that we have low memory crashes all the time)
4. iBooks crashes (probably there is some incompatiblity with Newsstand because they share similar technology)
5. Newsstand does not work (there is no beta market for it yet)
6. Wallpaper does not work (either wallpapers are missing or it does not work)

1. Sounds - you can manually setup almost all the system sounds
2. Custom vibration - one of the best features which no other phone have
3. Notifications are awesome - notifications in iOS5 is very clever implented and are actually useful
4. Camera in lockscreen - this is another amazing feature. I wanted to photo something but i lost time to unlock the phone and open camera app and in most ways i missed the moment for picture, now i can do it far faster with this new addition.
5. iMessage - i feel it is kind of ripoff WhatsApp but it works really fast
6. Reminders are not so much of a feature because you can do similar things with calendar but it is good implentation with very simple interface.
7. Long awaited edit option in pictures app is awesome
8. Camera shutter with volume up button is too a great feature
9. Notifications on lockscreen are great as well

So far this is what i had in mind, probably soon i will update this list.

iOS 5 is a must have upgrade because it saves me time to install many apps in order to do some things - now everything is included. I do not advice regular users to go for the beta because like i said it is unstable (stable for a beta but still unstable for daily use)

Friday, June 10, 2011

Activate iPhone 4 on iOS5 Beta 1 without developer account registration and without any No Service issues.

This tutorial is for experienced people only!!!

What is needed:

Mac or Hackintosh
Newest redsn0w
iOS5 Beta 1
iTunes 10.5 Beta (Mac)

About this method:

This method is combined from a few others well known methods used in the past. With editing SystemVersion.plist we made itunes think it have no beta firmware so it does not require developer UDID. It depends on SAM activation to gain service. So at the end you have same activation as in regular firmware.

Lets Begin

1. Install itunes 10.5
2. Enter your iPhone in DFU mode
3. Option + Restore and select the iOS5 firmware file
4. After iPhone starts up to the lock screen power it down, enter it in DFU again and jailbreak with the newest redsn0w while browsing iOS5 firmware file.
5. After the jailbreak you have to boot it tethered using redsn0w.
6. Activate to springboard Merd Erdir's way
7. Open Cydia add repo and install SAMPrefs from it (it will install all other needed things in order to run)
8. It will require reboot (because of mobilesubstrate) so you have to enter it in DFU and boot it tethered and again activate Merd Erdir's way.
9. Open Cydia and install OpenSSH
10. Open Cyberduck and connect to your phone over SSH
11. Edit /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist and remove


from it.
12. Open SAMPrefs and set the operator to manualy (you have to choose the operator to which the phone is locked) then apply these settings and reboot your phone.
13. Boot tethered and connect the phone to your itunes 10.5. It will activate just fine. You will have to setup your iTunes account and iCloud settings and you will enter springboard without hacks in a minute you will get range as well(i had to switch airplane mode 1-2 times in order to get range)

This tutorial is tested on 2 iPhone 4 GSM and worked flawlessly on them probably it will work on 3GS and CDMA iPhone 4 and iPad1 3G. It can work for iPod as well without SAMPrefs parts.